Our team of qualified, dedicated practitioners pride themselves on being approachable, caring and reassuring.
We are committed to making both the children's and parents time with us an enjoyable experience.

Our Curriculum is based around the British Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. Keeping each child's individual strengths and interests at heart and where children are granted the freedom to explore and play, igniting their passion and excitement for learning.

• Encourage social and emotional development by building self-confidence, self-expression, curiosity and self-discipline.
• Develop a climate of confidence that will facilitate proactive play and broaden the child’s interests.
• Create an environment where children learn to interact not only with their peers, but also with their teachers by communicating their needs, problems, frustrations and ideas.
These objectives will be achieved by the following:
Imaginative Play – Role modeling
• Dolls and stuffed animals
• Dress-up clothes and accessories
• House play materials (e.g., kitchen set, highchair, broom, cradle)
• Puppets

Creative Play – Experimenting with the 5 senses
• Sand and water table
• Paint and paint brushes of different sizes and shapes
• Play dough
• “Goop”
• Crayons and markers
• Glue

Active Play - Physical development
• Parachute
• Wooden blocks
• Cardboard blocks
• Push toys such as cars, trucks and trains
• Balls of all sizes
• Musical instruments

Cognitive Play – Intellectual growth
• Books, books, books! • Puzzles
• Pegs
• Sorting toys
• Stringing beads
• Matching games
• One-to–one correspondence

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
• Self-confidence and self-awareness.
• Managing feelings and behaviour.
• Making relationships.
â—¦ We learn to play together co-operatively and constructively.
â—¦ We learn to respect and take care of each other.
â—¦ We learn to do things for ourselves.
â—¦ We learn how to behave in a range of settings.
â—¦We learn to express our thoughts, ideas and feelings in circle time.
â—¦ We learn to share and take turns.
Communication and Language with the introduction of Jolly Phonics
• Listening and attention.
• Understanding.
• Speaking.
â—¦ We learn to communicate with others in a range of ways.
â—¦We develop a wider vocabulary and descriptive language.
â—¦ We learn to listen to others and take turns to speak.
â—¦We learn to listen attentively to stories, songs, rhymes and poems and respond to what we hear.
â—¦We learn to follow instructions and answer questions.
â—¦We learn to communicate our own ideas and stories.
â—¦ Introduction and understanding of numbers.
Physical Development
• Moving and handling.
• Health and self-care.
â—¦ We develop our fine motor skills by learning to tear, cut, sew, and manipulate different materials.
â—¦We handle tools and equipment effectively, including pencils and pens.
â—¦ We learn to ride lots of different kinds of wheeled vehicles.
3 - 4 YEARS

KG 1
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication and Language
â—¦ Physical Development
â—¦ Playing and exploring
â—¦ Being able to communicate feelings and emotions and have empathy for their peers
â—¦ Active learning
â—¦ Creating and critical thinking
​Our staff also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied.
The Specific Areas:
• Literacy
â—¦ Reading and writing inclusive including Jolly Phonics which helps children learn to reading and write with introduction of the short sounds which will allow them to start blending smaller words.
â—¦ Teaching numeracy and once they’ve adapted to the numbers counting forward and backwards, will move into simple addition
• Understanding the World
• Expressive Arts and Design
4 - 5 YEARS

KG 2
â—¦ Identify which words appear again and again.
â—¦ Recognise and join in with predictable phrases.
â—¦ Relate reading to own experiences.
â—¦ Re-read if reading does not make sense.
â—¦ Re-tell with considerable accuracy.
â—¦ Discuss significance of title and events.
â—¦ Make predictions on basis of what has been read.
â—¦ Make inferences on basis of what is being said and done.
â—¦ Read aloud with pace and expression, i.e. pause at full stop; raise voice for question.
â—¦ Know what the writing has used the above punctuation in a text.
â—¦ Know difference between fiction and non-fiction texts.
â—¦ Write clearly demarcated sentences.
â—¦ Use ‘and’ to join ideas.
â—¦ Use conjunctions to join sentences (e.g. so, but).
â—¦ Use standard forms of verbs, e.g. go/went.
â—¦ Use capital letters for names and personal pronoun ‘I’.
â—¦ Write a sequence of sentences to form a short narrative (as introduction to
â—¦ Use correct formation of lower case – finishing in right place.
â—¦ Use correct formation of capital letters.
â—¦ Use correct formation of digits.
â—¦ Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards from any number.
â—¦ Read and write numbers to 20 in numerals and words.
â—¦ Read and write number to 100 in numerals.
â—¦ Say 1 more/1 less to 100.
â—¦ Count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
â—¦ Use bonds and subtraction facts to 20.
â—¦ Add and subtract 1 digit and 2 digit numbers to 20, including zero.
â—¦ Recognise of object and shape.
â—¦ Sequence events in chronological order.
â—¦ Use language of day, week, month and year.
â—¦ Tell time to the hour.
5 - 6 YEARS

Our promise to you and your family
We will provide a fun and stimulating activities and an environment where children can learn through play.
We will work with you to help your children become confident, capable and caring.
We will listen to and value you and your children.